Use the completion module

Craft CLI provides the completion module, which auto-generates Bash completion scripts for apps.

Write the app info getter

To invoke the module, an app needs to have a public function that returns some basic information about itself. The app must provide a Dispatcher with a configuration to initialise commands with. By default, Craft CLI commands don’t need to be initialised with anything, so this would be None in the basic case.

The Dispatcher is where the commands themselves are pulled in and transformed into entries for the Bash script. The commands inside the Dispatcher are initialised and then parsed for their options and inputs.

The purpose of the getter is to give the module an entry point into your application for it to gather the necessary information to build a completion script.

For a project named Testcraft, create the file testcraft/ and add the following content:

from craft_cli import Dispatcher

def get_dispatcher() -> Dispatcher:
    """Fill out this function to create the application's dispatcher"""

def get_app_info() -> tuple[Dispatcher, None]:
    # Returning the Dispatcher and no initialisation config
    return get_dispatcher(), None

Create the completion script

Once the function is made, the completion module can be invoked to create the completion file:

python3 -m craft_cli.completion testcraft testcraft.application:get_app_info >

Applications using craft-application

Commands from craft-application need their corresponding Application object’s app_config in order to be initialised. To handle this, return the app_config alongside the application’s Dispatcher object:

from craft_application import Application, ServiceFactory
from craft_cli import Dispatcher
from typing import Any

from my_app import APP_METADATA, commands
def get_app() -> Application:
    """Replace this function with a function that instantiates your app."""
    services = ServiceFactory(app=APP_METADATA)
    app = Application(app=APP_METADATA, services=services)
    return app

def get_dispatcher() -> Dispatcher:
    """Fill out this function to create the application's dispatcher"""

def get_app_info() -> tuple[Dispatcher, dict[str, Any]]:
    app = get_app()
    dispatcher = get_dispatcher()
    return dispatcher, app.app_config